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Mustangs Champs

Mustangs Champs at Stanton Mustang Tournament


            The Mustangs hosted their annual 8 team volleyball tournament on Saturday, September 15th.  The Mustangs played 3 games on Saturday to capture the Championship title.  The first game was against Arlington and ended with the Mustangs winning 25-9 & 25-10.

            The Mustangs then played against Clarkson-Leigh and also won that game in two sets:  25-12 & 25-16. 

            The Mustangs would then play in the Championship Match, against Hartington Cedar Catholic.  The Mustangs won the match in 3 sets: 25-23, 24-26 & 25-20.    The Mustangs ended the Annual Stanton Volleyball Tournament as Champs.  This was a very competitive tournament and the Mustangs stayed the course of running an offense, having aggressive serves and improved on our blocks at the net.  We are acquiring knowledge every match we play in and continue to build the trust as a team to keep us improving each week. 

            The Mustangs will play Tuesday, September 2oth in a Tri-Angular with Pender and Wisner-Pilger in Pender.  The Mustangs will play Pender at 5:30pm and Wisner-Pilger around 6:30pm. 

Mustangs Champs

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